P.O. Box 12620 Prescott, Az. 86304 928-776-4637 928-277-4396 (fax) yards@cableone.net
Friday, July 10, 2009
Disease and Insect Control
We use a variety of treatments for disease and insect control. Spider Mites are prolific in the hot summer dry weather. We use Neem on mites. The best thing about neem oil is that is more than just an insect killer. It will kill spider mites and aphids, but also protect against black spot, powdery mildew and other fungus diseases. For ants and other crawling insect Diatomaceous earth is valuable. We focus on the least invasive treatment first. Most often the best offense is a good defense when it comes to growing plants. The better we can ammend and nourish the soil and fertilize the greater the disease and insect resistance of any plant
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