After the 3rd Strongest storm in Prescott's History, demand for snow removal was high. Fortunately our low temps were 10 degrees be;pw normal or we may have received 4 - 5 feet of snow. As it was we had wet heavy snow Thursday. It rained during the afternoon over the 6 inches we already had making the shoveling that much more challenging. The storm continued through Saturday. We were at it all day long beginning at 6 a.m. through Sunday at 3pm. Dan Seaman was instrumental in helping us to complete everyones needs. Sunday at 3:00pm he wished me to have a nice weekend. Indeed we felt it was Wednesday when Monday morning came along.
If you have any need for snow removal and want to get on our list fill out the form on this blog. Advanced notice will allow us to schedule the job timely. We provide Landscape Maintenance. Everything to do with Land Maintenance. Monthly service proposals and contracts and FREE ESTIMATES. Call us for your yard care needs. 928-776-4637