Sunday, March 21, 2010

Gopher Control, Prescott Yard Care

This is the best gopher trap I have found. I have trapped 5 gophers in our yard over a 3 month period. The great thing about it is that unlike the previous traps I have used, it does not have to be buried. So it is easy to spot and tell if a gopher has set it off. The key to setting it that I have found is to position the hole facing south. This guarantees that light will enter the hole. When the gopher sees the light it wants to close the hole and enters the trap. That is the last light it will see!

We can set these for you.

However, if you want to try it on your own you might check out ebay for these. That is where I bought them, however they aren't easy to find there. Here is a link where you can buy them also:

Redwood Gopher Getter

Patrick Wilcox
Land Maintenance LLC

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